Game Asset Optimization

From Architecture to Virtual Worlds: Game Asset Optimization

Our extensive background in architectural visualization serves as a fertile ground for our venture into game asset development. It’s an intuitive extension, bringing structures to life in virtual environments. 

Our road to Asset Development: Twinmotion & Unreal Engine

Twinmotion has been our ace in architectural visualization. It’s fast, versatile, and produces high-quality outputs. Its compatibility with Unreal Engine naturally propelled us into the realm of game development, where we’ve since gained significant experience. Our know-how of these tools maked us a valuable partner for crafting engaging and interactive experiences. Whether it’s architectural simulations or full-fledged gaming environments, we bring a unique blend of realism and interactivity to every project.


Hardware has improved immensely in recent years, but its capacity is not limitless. Optimizing a 3D model for use in a game is crucial for ensuring smooth performance and a good user experience. We learned to take certain measures that make assets much more efficient in-game. Reducing polygon count, texture optimization, material and shader optimization, and efficient file formats are only a few solutions that can be implemented. Extensive testing is also essential.

Custom Experiences

Building on our architectural background, we’re well-equipped to offer custom-built gaming environments that serve specific needs—be it educational modules or corporate training simulations. An architecture studio can bring several unique advantages to game asset development and optimization, leveraging our specialized knowledge and experience in ways that a studio without an architectural background might not.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Can we laser scan assets from nature and create 3D assets from the scans?

Yes, our team has extensive experience with reality capture of not only buildings but the surrounding environment also. We frequently employ photogrammetry techniques also for mapping large areas of multiple km2.


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